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Why many of us are on the same journey as Nina

Nina is the narrator of my novel, The Vanishing Cafe, and she is searching for answers after the death of her beloved grandmother. She’s asking herself whether life continues after we die, is there more than what we see in this world?

Many people are searching for answers in this day and age that lie beyond the five physical senses. How do I know this? Because they tell me! I’m talking about my friends, my clients, friends of friends, even religious people. People seem to want more than the daily grind, many are fed up of trying to make ends meet and feel angry, or even ‘empty at the state of the world today’ - as one friend told me. The endless playground of politics, celebrities and consumerism is affecting many of us. Often we feel meaningless or powerless, but we are not and when we are hungry for answers, that’s when our search really starts.

So, the next step is what is it that empowers you? There’s a palpable restlessness out there, people want to know that they belong, that what they are doing is making a change in their circle, in their community, city, or on our planet in some way. Maybe all this sounds enormous to you and the point is where do we start? Often people want to know that there is something more beyond their daily existence, a way to better themselves and be happy in their journey.

So, take a minute to be quiet and meditate or ask yourself how you can make a difference in your home or community - that’s where it all starts and then take the action you need to. I know people who have made a difference in the lives of young people by mentoring them, or worked hard on themselves by using meditation and self-empowerment tools to change the world around them. It’s that simple and that hard! It’s a paradox - but it’s true. As everyone knows, one day can be easier than the next. It’s hard when you don’t make the effort, it’s simple when you do and you get into the discipline of that one or two (or more) actions everyday that will turn your life around soon. Getting a good support network around you is vital - valuable friends or mentors who encourage or support you. Stay away from the naysayers and build yourself up! Start now, clear the debris and find your path! It may not come straight away, most likely there will be obstacles and negativity from others, but don’t give up! Be true to your cause and the path will open up. Good luck in your journey friends. Just keep persevering and like Nina, our narrator, your time will come.
